How to address garden pests, part three: cats and dogs
In Part Three of our series we’ll highlight ways to deter the most common household pests for Atlantic Canadian gardeners: cats and dogs.
DetailsNeed to freshen up your lawn, garden & patio? Halifax Seed's Inspriation Garden is a collection of new ideas or ways to help you grow your own…
In Part Three of our series we’ll highlight ways to deter the most common household pests for Atlantic Canadian gardeners: cats and dogs.
DetailsIn Part Two of our series we’ll showcase the best ways to deter some of the most common pests from the insect kingdom for Atlantic Canadian gardeners: aphids, leatherjackets and grubs.
DetailsIn Part One of our series we’ll showcase the best ways to deter the most common pests from the animal kingdom for Atlantic Canadian gardeners: deer and mice
DetailsA healthy gardening environment can make or break a healthy yield - here are some key gardening practices to keep your crops happy and disease-free!
DetailsIt’s for you, troubled gardener, that we’ve written these five tips for fending off weeds or eliminating them for good. All without the use of harmful herbicides!
DetailsReference these four tips when it comes time to get started on your bird-friendly backyard.
DetailsOK, so it’s the end of June and you’re feeling like it’s way too late to dig into gardening and get something truly meaningful done with your landscape, however big or small. Between work and play, those summers where May and June seem to fly by are all too real, but we have some good news! It’s never too late.
DetailsFor many residents in the core of Halifax City and the Metro area, urban farming is a great way to reconnect with what it means to plant and eat food that’s often healthier than store-bought alternatives and a lot of fun to grow.
DetailsThe benefits of a shade gardening may surprise you.
DetailsSo here’s the gardener’s challenge: how does one preserve the garden they’ve labored over, and introduce the activity to children? The truth is that for most, a garden is as much a shared recreational space as it is a fragile monument. Striking the balance and incorporating your kids in the activity could just be the best thing for your garden this summer, and we have a few tips that should help you on your way.
DetailsMost herbs produce abundantly all season long and fit well in a container, flower garden, or vegetable garden.
DetailsWe recently published an article on planter boxes and their general layout - but for a quick and easy to-do list with links and tips, look no further!
DetailsThey may have been terrifying when we were young, but bees play a vital role in the lifecycle of plants. With a little extra knowledge, you may find yourself inviting the once unwelcome honey hoarders into your garden with open arms.
DetailsBy harnessing your lighting and working with contrast, you can create a beautiful and fulfilling panorama that’ll wow guests and make afternoons in your garden that much brighter.
DetailsFew things say zen garden quite like butterflies. Fortunately, adult butterflies have a cosmopolitan palate and attracting them can be broken down into a bit of a science.
DetailsEverything you need to know to grow vegetables and flowers in your own backyard
DetailsA putting green in your own backyard - how great would that be! Here are some simple instructions on how to build your own.
DetailsLearn how to grow a lush, green, healthy lawn