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Portulaca Happy Hour Pink Passion Mix - Seed Packet

Part Number:
Bloom Time:
Early Summer / Fall
Days to Germinate:
10-14 Days
Drought Resistant:
Drought Resistant
Latin Name:
Portulaca grandiflora
Light Requirements:
Full Sun
Moisture Requirements:
Well draining
Plant Height:
Plant Width:
In Stock

A heat-loving annual that thrives in hot, sunny locations. Its succulent spiky leaves and vivid double blossoms popular in containers and beds. Happy Hour"s mounded habit creates an easy, terrific look! Uniform, flowering on well branched plants have full, double blooms in shades of light pink to fuschia. Perfect in containers and shallow bowls on a hot patio. Grows 25-36cm (8-10") high and 25-30cm (10-12") wide.