Deer Resistant Flowers
No plant is completely deer-proof, and hungry deer will eat just about anything they can access. That said, there are some plants that deer will often avoid unless nothing else is available. These include highly scented plants, plants with hairy or fuzzy leaves, and plants that contain toxic compounds. If deer pose a significant risk to your garden, we recommend physical barriers like deer fencing and chemical deterrents like Bobbex.
Calendula - Family Circle Mixture (Seed)
Calendula Family Circle Mixture Packet - Seed Packet
Echinacea - Brilliant Star (Seed)
p/n: SU142031
P & P - Echinacea Brilliant Star (Echinacea) - Seed Packet
Foxglove Showy Mixture (Digitalis Mix Seed)
Foxglove Showy Mixture (Digitalis Mix) - Seed Packet
Lavender - Multifida Blue Wonder (Seed)
p/n: SU118964
Lavender - Multifida Blue Wonder - Seed Packet
Nasturtium - Canary Creeper (Seed)
p/n: SU135965
Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) - Seed Packet
Nasturtium - Collection (Seed)
p/n: SU139827
Nasturtium* Collection (Tropaeolum majus) - Seed Packet
Nasturtium - Dayglow (Seed)
p/n: SU142015
P & P - *Nastutium Dayglow (Tropaeolum majus) - Seed Packet
Nasturtium - Purple Emperor (Halifax Seed)
p/n: FSPK399--FSBK235
Nasturtium - Purple Emperor - Halifax Seed Packet
Nasturtium - Tutti Frutti Mix (Seed)
p/n: SU123685
Tutti Frutti Mix (Tropaeolumn majus) - Seed Packet
Nasturtiums Jewel Dwarf Double Mix (Seed)
Nasturtiums Jewel Dwarf Double Mix Packet - Seed Packet
Nasturtiums Tall Climbers Mix (Seed)
Nasturtiums Tall Climbers Mix Packet - Seed Packet
Nicotiana - Evening Fragrance Mix (Seed)
p/n: SU124745
Evening Fragrance Mix (Tobacco Plant) - Seed Packet
Nicotiana Daylight Sensation Mix (Seed)
Nicotiana Daylight Sensation Mix - Seed Packet
Rudbeckia - Chim Chiminee (Seed)
p/n: SU130185
Rudbeckia 'Chim Chiminee' (Gloriosa daisy) - Seed Packet
Zinnia - Benary's Giant White (Seed)
p/n: FSPK399--FSBK306
Zinnia - Benary's Giant White - Seed Packet
Zinnia - Queeny Lime Orange (Seed)
p/n: FSPK499--FSBK307LO
Zinnia - Queeny Lime Orange - Seed Packet
Zinnia Dahlia Flowered Choice Mix (Seed)
Zinnia Dahlia Flowered Choice Mix - Seed Packet
Bee Balm Panorama Red Shades (Seed)
p/n: FSPK495--FSBK132
Bee Balm Panorama Red Shades - Seed Packet
Black-Eyed Susan Gloriosa Daisy (Seed)
Black-Eyed Susan Gloriosa Daisy - Seed Packet
Calendula - Pacific Beauty Blend (Organic Seed)
p/n: HM7021
Annual - Pacific Beauty Blend (Organic) - Seed Packet
Rudbeckia - Rustic Dwarfs (Seed)
p/n: SU142030
P & P - Rudbeckia Rustic Dwarfs (Echinacea) - Seed Packet
Snapdragon - Antiquity Sunset Mix F1 (Seed)
p/n: SU102063
Snapdragons - Antiquity Sunset Mix F1 - Seed Packet